
Not sure if it's a significant milestone, but a milestone I'm pretty happy/impressed with.

11 weeks ago, I pretty much never swam in my life ... at least nothing more then your traditional doggy paddle :)  Today I swam 3,500 yards ... 2 miles!  It's pretty amazing, and incredibly proud of myself.  I'm also very proud that this is an accomplishment that I achieved on my own.  Just one consultation with a swim coach, and that's it.  Besides that one consultation, I needed to figure things out on my own - trial and error most of the time.

When I started this journey to compete in my first Ironman, I honestly didn't think I would be able to do it ... mainly because of the swim.  Now, after each workout, my confidence grows more and more with swimming.  I now don't look at the swim as my barrier, but just simply a challenge to concur!

2 miles down, .4 to go!
