updates & motivation

In September, I challenged myself to achieve a perfect month, closing all three rings every day. Being a triathlete who is actively training, you would think this would be a breeze since I workout every day, closing the exercise ring is guaranteed. It’s not as easy as you would think.

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personal, motivationErin
the power of ironman & idaho's true colors

Idaho is one of the leading states to enact anti-trans (women) legislation. Banning female trans kids from competing in women’s sports, denying trans people access to trans healthcare like hormone replacement therapy and surgeries, just to list a few.

Now that I’ve raced both an Ironman and a locally organized triathlon in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, I can see how the spectacle Ironman has over the host cities and not necessarily in a positive way. Ironman draws people from all over the world, bringing different cultures, ideals, etc… to the host locations that quickly overshadows and hides the true colors of this host cities/states culture, ideals, and political stance. I experienced it firsthand.

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first podium @ black diamond

I was also pretty confident that I was the only trans person there, and also not surprised either as there aren’t many of us in triathlon to begin with. I’m still proud representing my community in areas that might not be very friendly towards us. I never hide the fact that I’m trans at these races knowing full well that it has the potential of opening myself up to hate, judgement, questions, etc. I definitely encountered some of that at the race, but I’ll get into that in more detail later in the post.

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race report, trans prideErin
the continued stigmatization of mental health

Regardless of how prevalent the struggles with mental health are, these people still deal with the unfortunate stigmas attached to them on a daily basis and should be taken seriously without being ostracized, shunned, attacked, or discriminated against. People who stigmatize others who battle with mental illness generally lack the understanding.

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my new podcast

I’ve recently started my very first podcast called Hi, My Name is Life! It’s a show about life and the unique stories that come out of it! The podcast is available where pretty much all podcasts are found!

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personal, podcastErin
post-op part two

I wish the final stage in my journey of becoming "who I was meant to be" went according to plan.  I wish it was going to be the first thing after my accident to come easy and go according to plan.  But, like everything in my life since 2015 this final step was a constant fight to the bitter end.  A fight that I would raise my sword high up in the air in victory.  Sadly, that wasn't my reality.

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coming out - let's talk about locker rooms... again

In March of this year, I moved out of the city and away from the gym (mentioned above) where I've been for the past three years. I moved into Seattle proper. New city, new gym. Going into this new gym I felt like it would be the same experience as before. I would take the same approach that I used at my last gym; the same level of confidence and respect. For the most part, everything was fine. I go in, change, do my workout, shower, change and leave. I was feeling positive. This validated that I am truly part of the tribe and at the very least tolerated in that locker room. I was rolling high!

On April 3rd things suddenly shifted and not in a positive way.

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personalErin Comments
post-op - part one

I guess you may or may not know that I finally had my bottom surgery in October … Woot! You might have read my previous post, two years in the making, which I shared the journey that I had to take to even make the surgery happen. It was some tough stuff but I got through it. Anywho, here I am about seven weeks post-op and it's been some roller coaster of a ride!

Going into the surgery I had a general idea of what to expect afterward, at least that's what I thought. Geez was I in for a freakin wake-up call, Jesus! I'm going to get to some of the things I wasn't prepared for that you might find interesting, as it was for me.

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two years in the making

In a matter of weeks, one of the biggest changes in my life is going to happen. A change that will finally make me feel whole inside and out. This single moment has been two years in the making… Well, I don't know if "in the making" is the correct phrase to use but hopefully you know where I'm coming from.

Of course, I'm talking about my upcoming vaginoplasty in October. Getting to this day has been quite the journey of sacrifice and perseverance. It's a testament of fighting to overcome the darkness that is mental and behavioral health, seeing all of your hard work and dedication pay off!

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lake meridian triathlon (olympic)

I did this triathlon in 2017 while prepping for my first full Ironman, so I was excited to do it again!

When I arrived to set my transition area up, I was blown away by a change.

First, a little backstory. Traditionally when you go and get your body markers applied, they put your race number on your arm and then your gender and age on your calf. This has always been difficult for me because I would go up to the volunteer to get marked and when they put my gender on my calf they always put a ‘M’ for male. I would then correct them that I was Female, so the volunteer would blackout the ‘M’ and put a ‘F’ above it. So I raced with a ‘F’, followed by a big black dot, and then my age.

Well, this time around I was surprised! The race organizers decided to not put gender markers on your calf. I was really happy that these local races are finally learning and evolving with the times and acknowledge that gender can be so many different things and you can't risk assuming a persons' gender. They removed the potential of a very awkward situation for the athlete and the volunteer.

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race reportErin
evergreen half marathon

The Evergreen Half Marathon was a fantastic race. Great course, high energy, and well supported with hydration and nutrition every two miles. The volunteers were absolutely awesome! It will definitely be on my calendar for however long it's held. I really can't recommend it enough, great for beginners to elites, something for everyone.

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running, race reportErin
how i bounced back

Towards the end of 2018, I committed myself to bounce back and dig in to fight against my mental health problems. I made this commitment because I wanted to go into 2019 with a more positive view of my life and see all the good things that are happening rather than the bad.

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in the pipeline

So, yeah… In my last post I said the site would be updated more frequently. Sorry about that! My life has been a bit chaotic to say the least.

I’m getting things back into gear, so let me fill you in on all the things I have in the pipeline!

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role model

I wanted to take a moment to share some words about this amazingly outspoken woman. I was already a listener to the Ironwomen podcast when Sara posted about looking for an intern to help out Live Feisty Media … At this time I was done with my Iron(wo)man, and still recovering from my TBI. I wanted to apply. I wanted to be involved with something important. I also knew Live Feisty was an all women team, and a very loud voice for equality for women. I was scared to death to apply because I had no idea how she would react to a trans woman, let alone a brain-damaged one to boot.

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personal, off-topic, motivationErin
where did i go

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything on my website. Like, it’s been six months! I truly do apologize, and I hope to bring more content here shortly.

It’s certainly not because I haven’t been doing any that’s worth writing about. It’s been a very busy six months in the life of Erin, to say the least. There are three main reason's why I haven’t been posting anything, and I would like to take this time to share with you those reasons

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personal, off-topicErin

Something has been on my mind since a few days after I finished Ironman Coeur d'Alene (IMCDA) last August.  I haven't had the desire to touch my bike.  I literally want nothing to do with it.  I've been ignoring the issue this entire time, because I honestly have no clue why, or how to fix it.  It's just been festering and building, and I know it's one of the reasons for my deep depressive falls.  Ignoring it, clearly isn't working.

I don't know where this is coming from.  Before getting into this rut, the only thing I wanted to do was jump on my bike, and go for a ride.

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a new team!

I am so proud, and honored to announce that I’ll be racing for the Trans National Women’s Cycling Team! I’m very excited to represent the transgender community, this team, and our awesome sponsors for the 2018 cycling and triathlon season! 

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